Risperidone or Risperdal

Risperidone or Risperdal: An Antipsychotic Drug for Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar disorder Antipsychotic drugs Over the past 25 years, Antipsychotic drugs have been ever increasingly in use for the treatment of children and young people with a range of psychiatric conditions and symptoms. These include pervasive developmental disorders (such as autism); attention deficit hyperactivity… Continue reading Risperidone or Risperdal

Autism and Schizophrenia

Autism and Schizophrenia: Two Pieces of the genomic Puzzle The term “Autism” referred as neural developmental disorder, which affect normal development of social brain. Psychopathological features of autism become apparent during infancy or childhood and pursue a stable course without diminution and comprise impaired social interaction and communication, and restricted and repetitive behaviours. These symptoms… Continue reading Autism and Schizophrenia

Does Birth Control Cause Autism?

Is conceiving while on birth control or taking a birth control pill a possible cause of autism? Many people have become curious about the possibility that hormonal birth control could be a contributing factor for autism.  This idea mainly comes from the reasoning that the use of hormonal birth control has become pervasive in the… Continue reading Does Birth Control Cause Autism?

Is Asperger’s Genetic?

It hasn’t, as of the date of this publication, been proven that Asperger’s is genetic. However, Asperger’s has shown to have a higher occurrence between siblings and cousins in the same family. Some undiagnosed parents have had children who were then later diagnosed alongside their parents as having Asperger’s. These occurrences have pointed to the… Continue reading Is Asperger’s Genetic?

Causes of Asperger’s Disorder

The causes are unknown. There are several theories on how a child develops Asperger’s, but none of them have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. One school of thought is that the fetus, around eight weeks of development in utero, is accidentally exposed to teratogens. Teratogens are poisonous compounds that are biological in… Continue reading Causes of Asperger’s Disorder

Can you have autism and mental retardation?

Can someone with autism also have intellectual disabilities (mental retardation)? Yes, a person with autism can also have intellectual disabilities, also called mental retardation. Intellectual disability is determined by two main factors: an IQ score under 70, and lack of adequate adaptive behavior (the ability to take care of oneself). If a person with autism… Continue reading Can you have autism and mental retardation?

Autism and Gut Flora

It is well-known that gastrointestinal issues are pervasive among children with autism. While around one quarter of non-spectrum children experience regular gastrointestinal distress, around eighty five percent autistic children experience these problems (some reports claim it’s just over ninety percent). This has led to speculation that the microorganisms living in the gut (often called gut… Continue reading Autism and Gut Flora

Effects of Autism On the Family

A diagnosis of autism is as much a diagnosis for a family as for an individual child. Though there is a spectrum of autistic symptoms a child may exhibit, any autism diagnosis takes a major toll on parents and siblings. Autism greatly affects the life-long capabilities of a child and thus, requires an immense amount… Continue reading Effects of Autism On the Family

Can I get paid to take care of a relative with autism?

A family member with severe autism can require a full-time caregiver at home.  Parents or siblings may miss too much work going to various doctor’s appointments, therapy, and dealing with the many small crises that can come up last minute.  Often it seems the only solution is to stop working and care for your relative… Continue reading Can I get paid to take care of a relative with autism?