Can autism be diagnosed before birth

In 2009, it seemed like researchers at Cambridge University had found some clues to a pre-birth diagnosis.  By taking a sample of amniotic fluid, they found commonalities between fluid in women whose babies were diagnosed with autism after birth.  However, it’s been several years and there is still no clear pre-natal test for the disorder. … Continue reading Can autism be diagnosed before birth

20 Best Social Games for Children With Autism, Aspergers, ADHD

Teaching social skills through games can be a fun way to relate to your student or relative with autism and impart important emotional skills.  Be sure that you adjust the rules of the games to fit with your child’s needs and current skill level. Ryuu – This game is inspired by the hit children’s games… Continue reading 20 Best Social Games for Children With Autism, Aspergers, ADHD

Autism and Dyslexia

Many people wonder about the co-morbidity between autism and dyslexia.  Autism is an illness that causes social interaction issues and communication problems in the sufferers, while dyslexia causes children to have difficulty learning to read and write.  However, it seems these two afflictions have much in common and can potentially occur together. Both autism and… Continue reading Autism and Dyslexia

Air Pollution and Autism

Can Air Quality Cause Autism? In the quest to find the cause and ultimately the cure for autism, researchers are looking everywhere, from the medicines we take, to the food we eat, and finally, to the air that we breathe.  A study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry has drawn a statistically significant link… Continue reading Air Pollution and Autism

Link between Autism and Crohn’s Disease

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that often appears in children who are developing normally and suddenly experience a regression in interactive skills such as language development and eye contact.  Parents and doctors have often noted that these regressions sometimes take place with the onset of gastrointestinal(GI) problems in the child, such as diarrhea and… Continue reading Link between Autism and Crohn’s Disease

Categorized as Autism

Autism and Cell Phones

Autism rates are continuing to climb and many people attribute this to a connection between autism and cell phones. While others scoff at this notion, it is a connection that needs to be explored more fully to really understand if it is a credible idea or whether it is just a coincidence that autism seems… Continue reading Autism and Cell Phones

Lumosity and Its Connection to Autism

What exactly is Lumosity? It is a website that contains a number of different mental games. Each of these games has a different purpose and they all work together in establishing neural pathways in the brain that may have been lost or that may have never been there in the first place. Does Lumosity work?… Continue reading Lumosity and Its Connection to Autism

How to Handle An Autistic Child in the Classroom

How do I handle a child with autism in my classroom with no help? Teaching a large class of children is challenging no matter what the class composition is.  Increasingly, teachers are being asked to deal with larger populations of students with special needs, students who are language learners, as well as “grade-level” learners all… Continue reading How to Handle An Autistic Child in the Classroom

PECS For Autism

Augmented and Alternative Communication PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication system. It is a system that has long helped children with autism who are non verbal to communicate more easily and clearly. The basic idea is that the child makes a choice from a list of pictures that will indicate what he or she wants… Continue reading PECS For Autism

Can those with autism join the military, army or police?

The answer to this question is more than a simple “yes” or “no”. It really depends on what type of autism we are dealing with, so the answer is very situation bound. There are some types of autism that are so physically debilitating that joining the military or army or police would absolutely be out… Continue reading Can those with autism join the military, army or police?