Are autistic people permitted to vote

Voting and the rights of all Americans Can autistic people vote?  As voting times draw near, inevitably, people with disabilities start to wonder on their rights to participate. They commonly seek answers to their questions on competency and legal guardianship laws, as well as what if any assistance is offered in the voting process. Voting… Continue reading Are autistic people permitted to vote

Autism And Aerobic Exercise

The effects of autism on your child Autism is a widely varying disorder that affects nearly one in every 166 people. It is absolutely phenomenal how many levels and variances there are between each autistic child, however one thing remains constant; Autism always affects the child’s ability to function and behave in social and changing… Continue reading Autism And Aerobic Exercise

Can I get SSI for my autistic child

Resources for the care of your autistic child If you are the parent of an autistic child, the everyday expenses can quickly pile up. When it gets financially difficult to maintain the needs of your autistic child, you may be forced to turn to financial aid. Assistance may seem frustratingly difficult to obtain, but with… Continue reading Can I get SSI for my autistic child

Traveling with an Autistic Child

Children with autism have many gifts, abilities, and unique traits that set them apart from other children.  They also have many struggles & behaviors that can make life very challenging for their parents & caregivers.  For example, many children with autism are sensitive to change, to noises, to quick movements, etc.  For parents who want… Continue reading Traveling with an Autistic Child

Autism & Alcohol

Autism & Alcohol- Is there a Risk?  Is there a Connection? Autism is considered to be a “Spectrum Disorder”.  If you were to put it in a diagram, it could look like an umbrella.  Under the umbrella of autism are other disorders that fall under the category; ADD/ADHD, Asperger’s, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and others. … Continue reading Autism & Alcohol

Autism in Adolescence

Parents all over the country dread the day when their children reach what is called Adolescence.  It is a time of great changes, transitions, and it can be very stressful for parent & child alike.  For those battling Autism, adolescence takes on a whole new metamorphosis.  The physical & hormonal changes involved during adolescence happen… Continue reading Autism in Adolescence

Autism Movement Therapy

Autism Movement Therapy and Why It Works Autism movement therapy is one way to support your autistic child. It helps to decrease the symptoms of autism and can aid in behavior issues that are associated with autism. There are many reasons why dance and movement therapy is so successful in helping autistic patients. To first… Continue reading Autism Movement Therapy

Using Reinforcers for Kids With Autism

The rates of autism are continuing to rise and the number of therapy options is also rising. This is due to the many different types of research that is in the progress or that has been completed. Reinforcers for kids with autism help to reduce many of the symptoms and behaviors of autism. Vibrating and… Continue reading Using Reinforcers for Kids With Autism

Autism in Adulthood

Autism in Adulthood: Not the End of the Story Recent studies regarding autism in adulthood have found that some adults actually improve the older that they get, rather than deteriorate as some may think. While this doesn’t mean that their symptoms go away entirely, there are some gains that some autistic adults make during their… Continue reading Autism in Adulthood