Autism Therapists

The Autism Therapist’s Career Process and Compensation Packages There are many avenues to working in the field of autism therapy. More children are diagnosed with autism every year. The education industry is changing as a result of this growing trend. The most effective treatments available for autism to date are education and therapeutic intervention. Therefore,… Continue reading Autism Therapists

Severe Autism In Children And Adults

In Children Severe autism in children has one advantage over severe autism in adults; it’s caught early and children are able to get many necessary therapies started to help them function on some level. Children with severe and profound levels of autism may look as though they are completely unaware of the world around them.… Continue reading Severe Autism In Children And Adults

How To Help Asperger’s Kids

Asperger’s, with the release of the 2013 DSM V manual of psychological diagnostic criteria, will now reframe Asperger’s as high functioning autism. That being said, the same therapies that were used before will still be used to help Asperger’s /autism kids. The following is a list of typical therapies for these children with regards to… Continue reading How To Help Asperger’s Kids

Rethink Autism

The biggest barriers with autism are not the ones the children and adults face; it’s in how others perceive them and what they think of autism. Changing the mindset of the populace that does not have autism is much harder because it has to be common knowledge. Advocates for autism have to bring it to… Continue reading Rethink Autism

Defeat Autism Now

Autism is a disability, which does not let the brain to work and function properly. It usually appears during early childhood years. The affected people not only faces problems in communication but also faces lots of issues in performing day to say activities like playing games and even social interaction. The basic cause and treatment… Continue reading Defeat Autism Now

Autism and Communication

Children who are on the high functioning end of the spectrum only have communication problems when it comes to interacting with their peers. In most cases, social stories, stories that set up a scenario of what could or might happen and then asking the child what they think the proper response would be, helps them… Continue reading Autism and Communication

Activities For Children With Autism

Parents who first find out that they have a child with autism wonder just what kind of fun they can have with their child. They worry that they might not be able to share their likes, interests and hobbies with their child. While those are completely natural concerns, the answer really boils down to the… Continue reading Activities For Children With Autism

Nonprofit Organizations For Autistic Children

OAR SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM has introduced Schwallie Family scholarship program in order to support the post-secondary autistic children. The prime aim of the scholarship is help the autistic child so that they can suceeed in their life. The individuals who are qualified and are diagnosed with autistic spectrum will be applicable to apply for the award… Continue reading Nonprofit Organizations For Autistic Children

Famous People With Autism

It isn’t that there are a substantial number of people with autism so much as there are famous people whose lives have been affected directly by autism. The new numbers suggest that one in every four children will be diagnosed with autism every year from here on out. It’s staggering what that means for our… Continue reading Famous People With Autism

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Autism

Different theories for the causes of autism have been tested, as well as some potential therapies to either improve or cure the disorder. One theory in particular poses that children with autism have had an experience early on their young lives with encephalitis or some other severe brain injury that went undetected and looked like… Continue reading Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Autism