Best Autism Books

Autism/Asperger’s Publishing For professionals who come into contact with a child with autism, or for parents looking for books on autism and Asperger’s, publishing companies are obliging.  From the highly technical to children’s books that help little ones understand why a friend of theirs is different, the books are all very helpful and quite good. … Continue reading Best Autism Books

Autism and Dyspraxia

Autism and Dyspraxia: A Common Pair Developmental Dyspraxia is a disorder that is often present in those with autism. It is also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder or Motor Learning Disability. It is seen in children with autism from a very early age as fine motor skills and gross motor skills fail to develop. While… Continue reading Autism and Dyspraxia

Autism and Dance Therapy

When a child is born with autism, there is a lot to consider. One aspect parent’s consider to be very important is how to connect with their child with autism. Dance therapy has shown some promising results when it comes to autism. However, this is usually helpful only when a very experienced professional dance therapist… Continue reading Autism and Dance Therapy

Why is assistive technology important?

Children with autism tend to learn better from visual cues than from audible cues so there are many ways to increase effective communication. By substituting technology that increases visual information, autistic students can understand necessary information faster. For children who are nonverbal or have a lot of trouble communicating, assistive technology can allow parents and… Continue reading Why is assistive technology important?

20 Best iPad Apps for Children with Autism

Proloquo2go:  This application, referred to as an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app, allows children who have difficulty communicating to create sentences using pictures, words, and their own voice.  A bit pricey ($189), but it is well worth the cost for enabled communication. ABA Flash Cards:  This helpful app quizzes children with autism on different… Continue reading 20 Best iPad Apps for Children with Autism

Best Software Programs, IPad Apps For Children With Autism

Some of the best options for high-technology software and hardware for children with autism: Communication Aids Boardmaker – This is a software program that communicates commonly used words through symbols are universally understood.  You can also add text to any of the pictures.  This can help teachers and students communicate.  This falls into the category… Continue reading Best Software Programs, IPad Apps For Children With Autism

Autism and Circumcision

There is a possible link between autism and circumcision. Autism is a disorder that affects the brain and manifests itself at an early age. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the penis of a newborn male. This is one of the most bizarre connections to autism made, and many do not take the… Continue reading Autism and Circumcision

Can Autism Be Environmental

There’s two ways to answer this question. First, environmental can refer to the home environment of the child and second, environmental can also refer to the surrounding landscape and area where the child’s home exists. In both cases, the answer is slightly different. When referring to a child’s home environment, only extreme abuse and exposure… Continue reading Can Autism Be Environmental