Does Zac Efron have autism Some people just come into the limelight when they are young. Think of Shirley Temple as an example. She was a great little actress, at the tender age of three. She grew up on stage. The same can be said of Zac Efron to an extent. He first appeared in “High School… Continue reading Is Zac Efron autistic?
Is Zach Galifianakis autistic?
People who act just plain weird when they are in public or as characters in a show get the label of autism and most likely Asperger’s. Zach Galifinakis is an actor who has played some very strange characters, but the actor himself does not seem to be on the autism register. His character in “Bachelor… Continue reading Is Zach Galifianakis autistic?
Is Zack Addy autistic?
“Bones” the long running TV show on the Fox network, has a few characters that people think have a form of autism called Asperger’s Syndrome. Bones herself is one of them and the character Zack Addy is another. It seems that he is actually more sociopathic than autistic though. There are reasons to think that… Continue reading Is Zack Addy autistic?
Is Zack Greinke autistic?
Does Zack Greinke have autism American baseball player Zack Greinke is an enigma wrapped around a riddle. He began his major league baseball career with the Kansas City Royals and asked to leave the team for an indeterminate amount of time at one point. It was discovered that he had social anxiety disorder and that he was… Continue reading Is Zack Greinke autistic?
Is Yun Joon Suk really autistic?
Although he plays an autistic child, Yun Joon Suk, has said that he is not autistic. It would be difficult for someone with the level of the disease that Suk supposedly has to act in any capacity, so the actor had to take on the traits of someone who is autistic and make the disease… Continue reading Is Yun Joon Suk really autistic?
Is Walter Jr autistic in real life?
“Breaking Bad” became one of those shows that is iconic long before the show runs its course. The main reason for this is that people had never seen anything like it before. Also, the show’s managers were smart to end its run while it remained immensely popular. Walter, Jr. is the son of the main… Continue reading Is Walter Jr autistic in real life?
Was Vincent van Gogh autistic?
Historic figures were not diagnosed with autism because the term and the scale had not been invented yet. That does not mean that they did not have what we would think of as autism, it is just more difficult to say whether it is true. Let’s look at the facts. Van Gogh was a brilliant… Continue reading Was Vincent van Gogh autistic?
Is Van Morrison autistic?
Creative people are often thought to be somewhere on the autism scale because they do not think conventionally. Van Morrison would definitely fit that bill. Although his biggest hit “Brown Eyed Girl” is a relatively traditional pop song, his other efforts are not. He is not autistic though. He has never shunned the spotlight for… Continue reading Is Van Morrison autistic?
Is Vixx’ Leo autistic?
Vixx, unbeknownst to most people in the Western hemisphere, is a Korean boy band comprised of six members. In a contest on Korean TV they were chosen in an “American Idol” style format to see who would be a part of the group. Leo is the primary lead singer and the straight faced leader of… Continue reading Is Vixx’ Leo autistic?
Is Vincent D’onofrio autistic?
Through the years an actor or actress may play characters that people think have some of the symptoms of autism. Vincent D’onofrio has played a wide array of characters in his career, some of which may lead people to believe he plays the brilliant, shy obsessed character a little too well. Unfortunately, for all of… Continue reading Is Vincent D’onofrio autistic?