Autism Pledge

A young man with autism has been denied a heart transplant. The doctors refused to even put him on the waiting list. Was he an abuser of drugs? No. Was he an alcoholic? No. Was he a rapist, murderer or some other lowlife criminal? Again, no. His only “crime” is that he is an adult… Continue reading Autism Pledge

Do Children With Autism Regress?

This question has three parts: One, the very definition of autism dictates that children with autism suffer from a decreased rate of development in many areas, and even regress a little in others. So the answer is, yes, children with autism regress. Two, a particular disorder on the spectrum is Crie Du Chat Syndrome, which… Continue reading Do Children With Autism Regress?

Teaching and Working With Kids With Autism

To work with and teach children with autism not only requires a great deal of patience, but also a degree in special education. Since the majority of kids with autism are mainstreamed in regular classrooms unless they are nonverbal, most of the verbal kids with autism work with a paraprofessional in the classroom when the head teacher is… Continue reading Teaching and Working With Kids With Autism

Music Therapy For Autism

Because the brain of an autistic child is very good with math, reading, languages and anything that has an obvious pattern, music therapy is now an option for parents in some parts of the country. Children who are verbal excel at it only slightly more than nonverbal children, suggest the findings of several studies and… Continue reading Music Therapy For Autism

Autism Treatment

There is no treatment of autism per se. There is only treatment of some of the more troubling behaviors that accompany the disorder. There is also no guarantee that these treatments will work since the autistic brain is already and altered brain, in chemistry and neurology. Still, some medications have proven effective in helping a… Continue reading Autism Treatment

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Autism

What is applied behavior analysis? Applied behavior analysis(ABA) is the study and dissection of what makes a person behave a certain way. Therapists and psychiatrists that enter this specific field look to the probable causes of behavior and try to explain them. They provide testing to assess whether or not someone has a behavioral problem… Continue reading Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Autism

History of Autism

Autism, per se, doesn’t really have a history. It is suggested that centuries ago, children and adults who were able to memorize or recite things they heard but couldn’t even speak their own names were the town idiots, fools, and morons. It is now known that in many of these cases, these children and adults… Continue reading History of Autism

Autism and Genetics

Autism and Genetics, is Autism genetic? Autism is a disorder that is most commonly found in children. It is characterized by an emotional separation from relationships, a hindrance in communication and an inordinate amount of rigidity. Initially, this disorder was believed to have neuropathological origin but latest research brings about the idea that autism could… Continue reading Autism and Genetics