Autism Vs. Schizoid Personality Disorder

Here, it’s important to keep diagnoses clear: there is schizoid personality disorder, schizophrenia, and schizo affective disorder. Laymen have a tendency to refer to a single mental disorder by all three mental health diagnoses, and they are quite in the wrong by doing so. Schizophrenia, or classic schizophrenia, is the type we all think about.… Continue reading Autism Vs. Schizoid Personality Disorder

Are Most Homeless People Mentally Ill Or Do They Have Autism?

This is an odd question with some odd facts.  While it’s true that many homeless people have a mental illness, it’s not always the mental illness that made them homeless.  Sometimes there just isn’t enough community and government support for those with mental illnesses, and that leaves these people subject to whatever hand the fickle… Continue reading Are Most Homeless People Mentally Ill Or Do They Have Autism?

Autism Vs. Sociopath: Can Autism Create A Sociopath?

The blunt and direct truth is no, although there are some situations recently that have created a re-examination of the “nature vs. nurture” question. Both sociopaths and people with autism are exceptionally bright in a lot of ways, but the sociopath is defined as one who knows the rules of society and clearly believes he… Continue reading Autism Vs. Sociopath: Can Autism Create A Sociopath?

Autism or Emotional Disturbance

Behavioral and emotional disturbances in high-functioning and low-functioning autism are par for the course. Many children with autism have a set level of tolerance for tasks, sensory input and pain, and outside each child’s norm it becomes all-consuming such that the children are unable to withstand it. They act out physically and verbally, no matter… Continue reading Autism or Emotional Disturbance

Autism Vs. Einstein Syndrome

This is a very interesting topic, indeed.  It almost pokes fun at both disorders at once because it assumes there is a connection when there is not.  Although both children with autism and Einstein syndrome are thought to be exceptionally bright and/ or gifted, it is much more common with Einstein syndrome for kids to… Continue reading Autism Vs. Einstein Syndrome

Is there a link between cerebral palsy and autism?

Is There A Cerebral Palsy And Autism Connection? Not in the way most people might think, no.  The two developmental disorders are not directly related or connected; however, cerebral palsy affects many children and because it is a direct result of brain damage during or after pregnancy and birth, most children who are now being… Continue reading Is there a link between cerebral palsy and autism?

How can I get my autistic child to consume healthy fruits and vegetables or vitamin supplements?

Kids on the spectrum share one major similarity with all other kids: a sweet tooth. Fruits are generally not difficult to get them to eat, and if mom ate a very healthy diet with them in utero, and then fed them baby food made with fruits and veggies, they are likely to consume them just… Continue reading How can I get my autistic child to consume healthy fruits and vegetables or vitamin supplements?

Taking An Autistic Child To The Dentist: How To Do It Right

ASD children need to go to a dentist on a regular basis just like everyone else. If a parent has been brushing their gums and teeth since the children were infants, then it won’t be as challenging as a parent thinks. Dental visits need to start very young, about age three, even if the child… Continue reading Taking An Autistic Child To The Dentist: How To Do It Right