Intervention Timeline and Cost

Duration of intervention and associated treatment costs for individuals with autism There is no way to tell how long a child with autism will require intervention without a thorough assessment. There are many treatments available for individuals with autism, many of which are covered by insurance or government assistance. There are also private care options… Continue reading Intervention Timeline and Cost

Adaptations to Physical Education for Students with Autism

Physical education is a national staple for standards of learning. Physical education, despite budget cuts to schools across the country, remains a basic requirement for the successful and complete education of each school year. Each state has varying requirements, but each has similar components. These include team sportsmanship, basic game strategies for popular sports, physical… Continue reading Adaptations to Physical Education for Students with Autism

DSM V Changes to ASD Diagnostic Criteria Due On May 2013

The American Psychological Association has undertaken the task of revisions for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for a fifth edition. This is the manual used by doctors to identify and appropriately label mental health, beahvioral and neurological disorders.  The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) provides diagnostic criteria for individuals on the autism spectrum. The current… Continue reading DSM V Changes to ASD Diagnostic Criteria Due On May 2013

Breastfeeding and Autism

Breastfeeding and Autism: What’s the Link? Autism is a frightening diagnosis for any parent.  A life-long struggle with communication and relationships isn’t something any parent wants for his or her baby.  And as the number of children diagnosed grows year after year, parents and the scientific community are looking everywhere for surefire ways to prevent… Continue reading Breastfeeding and Autism

Autism And Celiac Disease

The link between Autism and Celiac disease: Study at a glance What is Celiac Disease? Celiac disease (CD) is defined as an autoimmune disease of small intestine, which occurs in genetically predisposed people after the ingestion of gluten. The disease is triggered following intake of gluten, which cross-reacts with immune system thus causing an inflammatory… Continue reading Autism And Celiac Disease

Autism Spectrum Therapies

Various Therapies and Interventions for Individuals on the Spectrum Autism is a neurological disorder which impairs social skill development, language development and external awareness or interest. These factors are considered the diagnostic criteria for autism, and can apply to anyone on the spectrum. The spectrum disorders contain several types of affective autism disorders. These are… Continue reading Autism Spectrum Therapies

Speech and Language Acquisition for the Autistic Learner

Speech and language are acquired through social interaction and mimicking social patters with nonverbal language in typically developing children. The learner with autism faces deficits in language acquisition largely due to social impairment, including joint attention. Children with autism prefer internal stimuli, as the prefix “aut” indicates, meaning “self”. They are not pressed to interact… Continue reading Speech and Language Acquisition for the Autistic Learner

Adaptations in Autism: Social Skill Development and Stimming

Children with autism often experience social impairments. These include deficits to social awareness, cues and communication. Social skills typically develop through processes of reciprocity and social reinforcement. Children on the spectrum do not develop typically in these ways. They are internally stimulated and often unaware of or uninterested in the awareness of others. Pro-social behavior… Continue reading Adaptations in Autism: Social Skill Development and Stimming

Establishing Joint Attention with your Autistic Child

Joint attention refers to a person’s ability to engage in focusing on an object or activity with another person. Most often it is first noticed when an infant follows the gaze of his parent or caregiver and participates in giving attention to an object with the adult. For example, when a parent is holding their… Continue reading Establishing Joint Attention with your Autistic Child

Intervention Strategies For Autism

An Overview of Intervention Strategies for Individuals with Autism The most effective treatment for autism to date is education and intervention. There are several intervention styles available for those on the spectrum. The styles of therapy are diversified to address the different needs that are presented in many autism cases. Therapies are different for each… Continue reading Intervention Strategies For Autism