Why do some autistic children like to give hugs?

This is an interesting question, because the common belief is that autistic children don’t like giving hugs.  As we know, children with autism can experience an aversion to normal social experiences like playing with others and being affectionate.  Many children with autism are very sensitive, so affectionate acts, like hugs, can feel painful or uncomfortable… Continue reading Why do some autistic children like to give hugs?

Why should you love Amazon.com If you have a relative with Autism

Do you have a relative with Autism?  Amazon.com is your friend. Autism is a confusing and difficult diagnosis both for you and your relative with the disease.  It can seem impossible to figure out what steps to take next, how to deal with doctors and other professionals, and how to go about getting the help… Continue reading Why should you love Amazon.com If you have a relative with Autism

Autism and Biting, Why do Autistic Children Bite?

Biting Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Biting is a behavior that is common among children with autism spectrum disorders. All human behavior can be assessed for function. In typically developing children, biting is seen as an aggressive behavior. In children with autism, biting is seen as either aggressive or self-stimulating behavior. Most often,… Continue reading Autism and Biting, Why do Autistic Children Bite?

Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Therapy? How does it help autistic children? Craniosacral therapy for children involves meticulous skeletal and muscular massage which aims to release emotional, communicative and physical blockages which treating professionals believe contribute to symptomatic behavior associated with spectrum disorders. Specifically, this treatment aims to regulate spinal fluid throughout the appropriate chambers of the body.… Continue reading Craniosacral Therapy

FAQ on Hippotherapy

Frequently Asked Questions about Hippotherapy for Individuals with Autism 1. What is hippotherapy? Hippotherapy is a type of treatment which incorporates the use of horses into the therapeutic environment for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Hippotherapy focuses on sensory, speech and social deficits common in children on the spectrum. These are the major deficits associated… Continue reading FAQ on Hippotherapy

Dolphin Therapy for Individuals with Autism

There are many different needs and challenges associated with autism spectrum disorders. These disorders are still largely a mystery to scientists, doctors and other professionals. There are several recommended therapies, but few are backed by hard evidence. Due to the lack of knowledge and limitations with recommended treatments, many people with autism opt for alternative… Continue reading Dolphin Therapy for Individuals with Autism

Benefits of Massage Therapy For Autism

Autism spectrum disorders are often noted for symptoms associated with sensory disorders. Many individuals on the spectrum experience sensory processing disorders. For some, being touched may bring intolerable discomfort. For others, sensory information is blocked or obscured so that the individual seeks stimulation more than those who develop typically. Massage therapy can be of extreme… Continue reading Benefits of Massage Therapy For Autism

Commitments and Costs Associated with Pivotal Response Therapy

Pivotal response therapy (PRT) branched off from applied behavioral analysis therapy. PRT focuses on developmental achievements for individuals with autism. It is based on a natural reinforcement system, which encourages communication and processing. PRT is play centered and child directed. Parent involvement is a key component of PRT, as it is ideal for the parents… Continue reading Commitments and Costs Associated with Pivotal Response Therapy

Animal Assisted Therapy

Animal Assisted Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Children with spectrum disorders often have social impairments, which impede communication. One therapeutic intervention that is especially beneficial is Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Social impairments often impede the child from getting his emotional needs met. Communication and connectivity play a major role. Human interaction is largely… Continue reading Animal Assisted Therapy