Can autistic people work

Autism is a developmental disorder that primarily manifests itself in difficulties with forming social bonds and communicating.  It also is associated with Intellectual Disability, which inhibits a person’s ability to learn.  For many people with autism, the affliction affects their ability to effectively communicate and form bonds with people for their entire lives.  For some… Continue reading Can autistic people work

Autism Service Coordinator

Where to Turn: Searching for Supports When Autism is Diagnosed    “I don’t know, hon.  I think we need more than what the school can offer” “But, they ran all the tests and came up with the results.  They’ll know what to do, right?” “It’s a small school trying to stay afloat with all the… Continue reading Autism Service Coordinator

Can autistic people compete in sports, Special Olympics or Paralympics?

Autism spectrum and the Special Olympics What are the Special Olympics? The Special Olympics is a program of sports training and competitions that take place year around. In total, there are local, regional, state-level, national, and international events. Every other year the Special Olympics host their World Games; bouncing between winter and summer competitions. Special… Continue reading Can autistic people compete in sports, Special Olympics or Paralympics?

Can autistic people be dangerous

Autism and Violence When it comes to autism, there are many ideas that are rooted in stereotypical ignorance. When Adam Lanza killed 26 people in Sandy Hook, people instantly looked to his supposed autistic background. Whether or not he truly was autistic is undetermined, rather it doesn’t make a difference. There is absolutely no evidence… Continue reading Can autistic people be dangerous

Can autistic people be homosexual?

When it comes to sexuality, the autism spectrum seems to play a great role. For example, there are many more autistic adults that are asexual than there are in the general population. Asexuality is a sexual orientation where the individual lacks an interest in sexual activity with any other individual, male or female. Now, when… Continue reading Can autistic people be homosexual?

My child was diagnosed with autism now what

The Needs of a Family with An Autistic Child    “Mr. and Mrs. Smith, please be seated.  I have Mary’s test results for you.”    “Thank you, doctor.  What did you discover?  Is she…is she, retarded?  Is that why she seems to have regressed?”    “No ma’am, she is not retarded, at least not as… Continue reading My child was diagnosed with autism now what

How to potty train an autistic child

Potty Training a Child with Autism Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that occurs early in a child’s infancy or before birth, but often isn’t diagnosed until after the child reaches age three.  It primarily manifests in slower development or lack of normal social and interpersonal skills including speech, affection, and social understanding.  A significant… Continue reading How to potty train an autistic child

How can you help a child with autism

What CanWe Do For the Autistic Children? For a child with autism, life can be stressful, scary, and downright hard to cope with on a daily basis.  It’s not that there is so much anything wrong with an autistic child, it’s just that their brains function differently, as well as receive & respond to things… Continue reading How can you help a child with autism

The connections between Autism and TV

The connections between Autism and TV Does Television trigger childhood autism? Autism is a social and psychological disorder that currently affects 1 in every 300 children. Currently there is no proof of one specific cause of autism. Studies show that autism manifests through a mutated gene called MET; however doctors firmly believe there are environmental… Continue reading The connections between Autism and TV