Oxidative Stress And Autism

Oxidative Shielding And Autism: The Link Between Oxidative Stress And Autism In a conference as early as 2005, the Autism Society of America, or ASA, held a conference in Nashville to discuss oxidative stress and its connection to autism.  This seems like quite a stretch, until oxidative stress is explained in full.  Whether or not… Continue reading Oxidative Stress And Autism

Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplementation And Autism

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in meats and eggs but are at their highest concentration in fish.  They are vital to healthy brain functions and activity, and when there isn’t enough of it, the brain undergoes significant cognitive delays and impairments.  Twenty years ago, doctors began prescribing fish oil capsules and diets heavy in… Continue reading Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplementation And Autism

Do autistic people hallucinate?

The Autism Spectrum and the Paranormal Autism is a developmental disability that affects the lives of millions of people every day. Autism is a disorder with which the individual is born, and will continue to live. Autism Disorder is placed on a spectrum chart, because of its’ various levels and symptoms. All peoples with Autism… Continue reading Do autistic people hallucinate?

Male Hormones And Autism: Link Between Anti-Androgen Medications And Autism

Androgens are typically male hormones produced in the adrenal glands, but women carry certain androgens in their bodies too.  Progesterone, a recognized “female” hormone responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle and maintaining a pregnancy, is actually an androgen itself.  Because many autism studies have recently focused on the environmental factors that could cause… Continue reading Male Hormones And Autism: Link Between Anti-Androgen Medications And Autism

Autism: An Association From Gut To Brain

In the last two years,  the repetitive talks circling autism and the connections between the stomach and autism behaviors have grown to the point that scientists are starting to take things a little more seriously.  With thousands of parents pushing to find alternatives in treating the challenging behaviors of ASD, the diets that have become… Continue reading Autism: An Association From Gut To Brain

Dietary Interventions And Autism

Children and adults with autism can get just as sick from poor diets and nutrition as anyone else can.  When weight becomes an issue or health risks are apparent and need to be avoided, dietary interventions are the only things that work.   They are absolutely necessary when children and adults, with or without autism, develop… Continue reading Dietary Interventions And Autism

Nutritional Therapies For Autism

Certain digestive disorders and food sensitivities or allergies have been connected to autism.  There is no known causation between autism and the digestive issues as many children who are not on the spectrum experience the same problems.  What is different is that, changes in diet that affect digestion and food allergies or sensitivities in children… Continue reading Nutritional Therapies For Autism

Oxytocin For The Treatment of Autism

Hormones And Behavior: Possible Implications of Oxytocin For The Treatment of Autism Ongoing research every day is looking for new pathways to help children and adults with autism.  Although some of the rumors regarding the research are either rumors or just junk science, others hold some potential truth.  The concept behind hormonal treatments and causes… Continue reading Oxytocin For The Treatment of Autism

Useful Agencies and Support Groups For Your Autistic Child

Agencies, Support Groups at the Ready For Your Autistic Child There are a number of agencies and resources available for people looking for supportive services for themselves or loved ones.  These agencies may be part of your county, state, or Federal governments, or they may be community-based entities that offer services funded by a blend… Continue reading Useful Agencies and Support Groups For Your Autistic Child