Is Nonny from Bubble Guppies autistic

Nonny is a male character on the TV cartoon show “Bubble Guppies”. A children’s show (naturally), it is seen by children around the world and is a favorite. Nonny is a quiet, shy brainiac who is always first when it comes to answering difficult questions. He does not like crowds and shies away from contact.… Continue reading Is Nonny from Bubble Guppies autistic

Is Nahla Aubry autistic?

The daughter of Halle Berry, Nahla Aubry, seems to be a sweet, well-adjusted little girl. People can often see the young lady and her mother strolling the beaches of Malibu near their home. But, there have been reports that Nahla, five years old, can only speak with her hands and that she exhibits some of… Continue reading Is Nahla Aubry autistic?

The blind autistic pianist

Every cloud has a silver lining is not just a popular, thus clichéd, saying. It is a truth. Derek Paravicini was born extremely premature, at 25 weeks. Because of this he was given oxygen therapy to help him develop. The oxygen therapy left him permanently blind and also diminished his mental faculties. He is also… Continue reading The blind autistic pianist

Is Nepeta autistic

Is Nepeta really autistic If you have no idea who this is, you are not alone. An extensive search reveals that this is a character in something called MS Paint Adventures about a group of trolls (I think). Nepeta is one of the trolls who does supposedly have autistic tendencies. It would seem that the… Continue reading Is Nepeta autistic

Is Noel Fisher autistic

Does Noel Fisher have autism When an actor begins to play roles that portray a disabled character, they are often questioned and potentially labeled by that character. Sean Penn played a developmentally delayed dad, Dustin Hoffman played and autistic man, Cuba Gooding played a developmentally delayed man. None of these actors had that stigma follow them, but… Continue reading Is Noel Fisher autistic

Is my autistic child eligible for social security

Does my autistic child qualify for SSI? The answer to this question can be complicated. Autism affects people in different ways. Some people who have this diagnosis can function quite easily in the world and have few apparent issues. Whereas some are severely developmentally disabled. It is possible for someone with an autism diagnosis to receive Social Security payments,… Continue reading Is my autistic child eligible for social security

Is Money Maker Mike Autistic

A better question may be whether the silent partner is taken advantage of by his rapping counterpart Krispy Kreme. As a YouTube viral musical act, Krispy Kreme and Money Maker Mike have appeal to a young audience. Krispy Kreme is irreverent and candid about his likes and dislikes. What is not known is anything about… Continue reading Is Money Maker Mike Autistic

Is Mozart autistic

Did Mozart have Autism? Mozart is one of the most beloved, prolific and masterful musicians and composers of all time. The facts surrounding his life—first symphony composed at five years, wild and bawdy lifestyle as an adult, favorite and menace to the king—are all well documented. But, there is little speculation that he had autism.… Continue reading Is Mozart autistic

My autistic son is sexually attracted to Pokemon

“I have a 13 year old about to be 14. He’s having dirty dreams about cartoon characters. My husband and I would like some suggestions on how to explain things to him . He’s also touching and rubbing himself in public. Talks about dreaming of doing things with the cartoons. With just anyone. Anybody have suggestions please“,… Continue reading My autistic son is sexually attracted to Pokemon