What is Craniosacral Therapy? How does it help autistic children?
Craniosacral therapy for children involves meticulous skeletal and muscular massage which aims to release emotional, communicative and physical blockages which treating professionals believe contribute to symptomatic behavior associated with spectrum disorders. Specifically, this treatment aims to regulate spinal fluid throughout the appropriate chambers of the body. Scientists who support craniosacral therapy believe that blocked passage of this fluid causes an imbalance in hormones which results in aggressive or self-harming behavior. Chiropractors and massage therapists who have studied autism spectrum disorders have developed a type of massage which addresses the blockage of this spinal fluid. While little is known about this unique therapy, there seems to be validity in the results. Spinal fluid is a known carrier of hormonal properties which are transmitted from the brain throughout the nervous system. Individuals with spectrum disorders and sensory problems may find relief through craniosacral massage therapy.
This treatment, as with any medical intervention, should be approached with caution. Only a qualified professional should initiate this treatment, and the client with autism should remain under the strict supervision of that professional. However, the skills of craniosacral therapy can be transferred to a parent or caregiver by a certified treating professional. Chiropractors and qualified massage therapists who are specially trained in craniosacral massage can develop a specific plan for the client, then instruct the caregiver in the administration of the massage.
If it is properly administered, the fluid from the spine is identified in blocked passages throughout the body. As massage is applied to these blockages, the fluid is released and dispersed appropriately throughout the skeletal and muscular systems, carrying hormonal information with it. Professionals, clients and caregivers report drastic improvement in behavior as well as a reduction in anxiety. The calming effects produced by craniosacral massage are well documented by treating professionals. The calming effects reduce self-injuring and aggressive behaviors by as much as eighty per cent.
Centers which provide craniosacral therapy can be discovered by consulting with a local chiropractor. If services are offered without clear understanding of their purpose, proceed with caution. If the chiropractor seems to be familiar with spectrum disorders and craniosacral therapy, this would be an ideal treatment center. Initially, the chiropractor or massage therapist will do a consulting appointment with the client and caregiver. Massage treatment can last anywhere between fifteen minutes and one hour. This is determined by the client’s ability to tolerate sensory stimulation and the cost of services.
Craniosacral therapy is recommended as a long term treatment for individuals with spectrum disorders. Some professionals recommend lifelong treatment, as relief is a temporary result of massage. Treatment cost can be relatively high compared with other autism treatments, especially when administered by a professional. The cost is approximately $125 per hour, and several sessions are recommended per week. However, the skills of the massage can be transferred to a caregiver, which reduces the cost tremendously over time. Once a caregiver has learned how to administer treatment, under the guidance of a professional, the client can benefit from craniosacral therapy without the cost.
Craniosacral therapy is a relatively new intervention for autism, but shows promising results. Children who are exposed to treatment have a documented increase in social skill development and reduction in anxiety. Since little is known about the causes of autism spectrum disorders, it is logical to try alternative treatments and explore the therapeutic options they provide. Solving spectrum disorder behaviors has proven a daunting task for those in the field of autism care. Craniosacral therapy offers data-supported solutions to some of these mal-adaptive behaviors. Once tension and stress are reduced, other interventions are possible. Overcoming anxiety is a common problem associated with treatment for those on the spectrum. Craniosacral therapy offers a viable solution to this and other problems.
Various therapies for autism
1). Chelation Therapy And Autism
2). Music Therapy For Autism
3). Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Autism
4). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
5). Aversive Therapy for Autism
6). Animal Assisted Therapy
7). Dolphin Therapy for Individuals with Autism
8). Pivotal Response Therapy for Autism
Every child with autism has different needs and therefore each programs should be customized with different strategies and interventions.