Is Ferb Autistic?

Ferb, one of the cartoon characters in Phineas and Ferb is just as odd character. He displays a lot of weird behaviors and shows very little emotion. If his character were intended to be autistic, then most likely the cartoon would be used for educational purposes, and not for entertainment. Is Mitch Fatel autistic?

Is Mitch Fatel autistic?

Comedian Mitch Fatel is not autistic. He once publically admitted that he sounds mentally handicapped because of his slow speech and a slight lisp. However, Fatel isn’t mentally disabled and actually uses his speech impediment as part of his comedy. So whatever he is doing that raises the question of autism, it’s just an act… Continue reading Is Mitch Fatel autistic?

Is Frankie from Fosters Home autistic?

In the unofficial final episode of the Fosters, Frankie is found staring at a snow globe and the grandma states that she didn’t know that Frankie has autism. Viewers are lead to believe that everything in the previous episodes were things that we’re taking place in Frankie’s mind. Frankie doesn’t have any real friends; just… Continue reading Is Frankie from Fosters Home autistic?

Is Froggy Fresh autistic?

Maybe instead of questioning whether or not Froggy Fresh is autistic, we should be wondering if Tyler Cassidy has multiple personalities!  Tyler went by the name Krispy Kreme and now Froggy Fresh.  Just like with the name changes, he went from creating bad raps to being a genius with rapping.  We doubt that  Cassidy is… Continue reading Is Froggy Fresh autistic?