Can autistic people have friends or babies with empathy?

Can autistic people have friends or their own families with empathy?

Autism is unlike other diseases in that it occurs on a spectrum. Autism manifests itself in early childhood and usually involves a lack of development of social and communication skills. Babies with autism won’t make eye contact with their parents or may not like to be held. Children with autism may prefer their own company to the company of other children. They may have fascinations with certain objects or repetitive behaviors. All of these things can exist on a spectrum, from very mild to very severe (where children cannot develop the ability to speak at all).

In many cases, children with autism can grow into successful adults who are capable of meaningful relationships with other adults and can even have families. Children with the highest chances of functioning well in adulthood are those who receive plenty of treatment (in the form of behavioral therapy) at an early age. In addition to learning scholastic material, children with autism need to learn important life and social skills, like how to buy things in a store or have a conversation. While people with autism still have to consciously think about how to appropriately react in a situation, they can grow to hold normal conversations and make friends.

People tend to think that autism is an affliction that prevents those who have it from living full and meaningful lives. This is not true. Though many children with autism will grow into adults with severe disabilities, they can still live happy lives. For children who grow into higher-functioning adults, success can mean a completely independent life.

This extends to relationships and families as well. Children with autism who grow into functioning adults can, if they want, enter into relationships and have families. Some people with autism, just like many people without autism, prefer to remain single in their adult years.

Basic Questions on Autistic Life:
1). Can autistic people be dangerous?
2). Can adults with autism work and live independent lives?

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