Is Phil Kessel autistic?

Phil Kessel came to fame as the first US Hockey player to score a hat trick in an Olympic hockey game in more than two decades. He was a key player for the US Hockey team at the Sochi Olympics in 2014. One story about the player that made the rounds as he was working… Continue reading Is Phil Kessel autistic?

Is Phil Mickelson’s son autistic?

Phil Mickelson is one of the best golfers on the planet. He has currently won five major championships (the pinnacle of his sport) and many more tournaments through the years. He had a great relationship with his father, who taught him to play golf (left handed because courses play better for lefties), and has become… Continue reading Is Phil Mickelson’s son autistic?

Is the Pokémon creator autistic?

Video games have become a passion in the United States and around the world. One of the most popular is a game from Japan called Pokémon. The creator, Satoshi Tajiri, has gained worldwide fame for both the game and the cartoon that follow the antics of a group of real game players. He is also… Continue reading Is the Pokémon creator autistic?

Is Peter Griffin autistic?

One episode of “Family Guy” actually dealt with this question to some degree. Peter is a buffoonish character who stumbles through life creating chaos. In the episode in question, he was told by a doctor that he was retarded (the term commonly used now to denote this archaic diagnosis is developmentally challenged or delayed). He… Continue reading Is Peter Griffin autistic?

Is Paul Ryan’s son autistic?

Paul Ryan is a prominent congressman from the state of Wisconsin. He was recently the running mate of presidential hopeful Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. The two men were unsuccessful in their bid, so Ryan has returned to his duties as a congressman. Some have asked whether his son has autism, but there has been no… Continue reading Is Paul Ryan’s son autistic?

Is Paul Scholes son autistic?

Soccer has become increasingly popular in the United States (for some odd reason), so people want to know about the best teams and their players. In the English leagues, there is no more historic program than Manchester United and one of their best players is Paul Scholes. For years people wondered whether his son had… Continue reading Is Paul Scholes son autistic?

Is Robert Pattinson autistic

Does Robert Pattinson have Asperger’s Syndrome? I love Robert Pattinson. The dreamy vampire in the “Twilight” series of movies is dark-eyed and mysterious. He is also quiet and reclusive in his real life. But that does not mean that he has any ties to autism. People with autism are often seen as eccentric and introverted. They… Continue reading Is Robert Pattinson autistic

Is Patrick Star autistic?

Does Patrick Star from SpongeBob have autism? The goofy sidekick of SpongeBob Square pants is definitely special. However, to suggest that he is autistic is out of line. It seems that the writers of the show have cast him as someone of below average intelligence (as is the show’s namesake), but just because a person is intellectually… Continue reading Is Patrick Star autistic?