Can Autistic Kids Have A “Crush” on Someone or Fall In Love?

This question is very common. So many parents have asked me. Well What can I say? My answer to that is, Absolutely. It’s human nature to want love, be loved and express that love verbally, emotionally and physically. Even kids with autism who do not speak will “dry hump” an object or person they have… Continue reading Can Autistic Kids Have A “Crush” on Someone or Fall In Love?

Autism And OCD Comorbidity

Although this doesn’t happen all the time, many parents report OCD behaviors to their children’s teachers, doctors, and therapists. It’s fairly common for children with autism to become hyper-fixated on a topic and memorize absolutely everything there is to know about that one topic. They will talk non-stop about that topic even when that topic… Continue reading Autism And OCD Comorbidity

Does sensory processing disorder get worse with age?

No, it doesn’t. There are a couple of reasons why. Children and teens with autism have been taught how to process some sensory issues such that they are able to either ignore it or have noise cancelling earphones for situations that will really bother them. The therapy they receive for sensory processing disorder is called… Continue reading Does sensory processing disorder get worse with age?

Why Do Autistic People Like Video Games Such As Sonic or Mario Bros.?

This is actually a really simple one. Eye-hand coordination, interaction with something that doesn’t expect or demand eye contact, and engaging the brain without engaging the body is all part of the world of video games. Most of us who have played Sonic or Mario or any other popular video game know that we completely… Continue reading Why Do Autistic People Like Video Games Such As Sonic or Mario Bros.?

Scalp Acupuncture And Autism

It has been proven that scalp massage effects the dispersement of endorphins in the brain.  Women and men alike receive pleasurable stimulations when the scalp is rubbed rotationally from the temples to the base of the neck.  People who sit in a salon or barber chair for a shampoo and cut are immediately relaxed. While… Continue reading Scalp Acupuncture And Autism

Tongue Acupuncture And Autism

Parents who have children with autism will go to strange lengths sometimes to help their children out of behavioral problems.  Acupuncture is definitely one  of them, because most autistic kids aren’t just going to sit still and allow a stranger to insert needles into their body.  Given that it is illegal to hold someone down… Continue reading Tongue Acupuncture And Autism

Why You Should Earn a Certificate in Behavioral Intervention & Autism

This certification program in most states requires that the student already have a Bachelor’s degree in a related field.  Teaching, counseling , special education, etc., are all examples of the types of Bachelor’s degrees that are accepted and expected prior to enrollment.  The courses include three to five classroom courses, depending on the state and… Continue reading Why You Should Earn a Certificate in Behavioral Intervention & Autism