Where Can I Get More Information On Autism?
Fortunately with the prevalence of these spectrum disorders there has been a wealth of information flooding the internet as well as publishing houses. They are great resources for parents who have just been handed the news that their son or daughter is on the spectrum. If it wasn’t obvious before when the children were educationally labeled with an autism spectrum disorder, it is now.
Probably the first place a parent will go to for information is the internet, and the first site to pop up will be Wikipedia.com which explains what autism and/or Asperger’s is. Do not just depend upon only on Wikipedia, cause some of the information may be outdated or false. After that, a number of other sites dedicated to championing kids with these disorders and the parents that love them, follows. Below are some of the best sites that go into greater detail than Wikipedia and will provide more links to more information parents need.
No # 1. Autism Information – United States Department of Health and Human … www.hhs.gov/autism/
No. # 2 www.autismspeaks.org
No. # 3 Autism Information Page: National Institute of Neurological …
No. # 4 Autism – PubMed Health – National Center for Biotechnology Information
No. # 5 Autism Society – Homepage
No. # 6 Information about Autism Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment …
No. # 7 Welcome to Parents of Children with Autism
No. # 8 Helping Children with Autism: Treatment Strategies and Parenting Tips
No. # 9 The Child With Autism | American Academy of Child & Adolescent …
No. # 10 6 Facts You Need to Know About Autism
These are ten of the sites that provide a lot of information but a very good start to understand and care for your autistic child. (For community resources and government assistance programs, there will be another article discussing those supports later on). Because Asperger’s is on the autism spectrum, some of these sites will get into information on that as well. For sites dedicated entirely to just Asperger’s, a more thorough investigation of the autism links is needed. Read as many sites and blogs to explore about autism.